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Calling All Priests


It is a well-known fact that Dignity/New Brunswick has always yearned for loving, meaningful, gay-positive and gay-affirming ministry. It’s what we’re about.

We already have several wonderful priests offering us monthly love-filled liturgies in a friendly and supportive environment.

It has recently been suggested that we not be timid about asking for more of this ministry. After all, we can't have too much support.

So here it is. We’re taking a leap of faith and putting it out to the universe hoping that the spirit will lead more priests to our chapter.

If there are any more loving and courageous priests out there who feel inspired to say Mass for a small but loving faith community of lesbian and gay Catholics, please
reach out to us.    We would love to hear from you.

Also, if anyone knows a priest who might be willing to minister to our chapter please reach out to them.

Pride in our past....Promise in our future

Dignity/New Brunswick
P.O. Box 10781
New Brunswick,  NJ    08906