Dignity/New Brunswick
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Religious Links

Below are links to religious organizations and resources of interest to our community.  The list includes: other Catholic organizations including those ministering to the LGBT community; other denominations in the Central Jersey Area that have ministry to the LGBT community; other organizations and resources (reform groups, etc.) that contribute to and challenge our Catholic faith.
This is by far an incomplete listing!  Contributions are welcome!


.........Dignity/USA Breath of the Spirit

.........Dignity/USA Dateline

.........Dignity/USA YouTube Videos

.........Highlights of Dignity/USA's History

.........Women of Dignity

.........Join Dignity/USA

Quakers - New Brunswick Friends

MCC - Christ the Liberator

Church of the Holy SpiritSong NJ

NJ Lesbian and Gay Havurah

New Jersey Welcoming Congregations

NJ Gay Life - Religious Directory

National Catholic Reporter

Trinity Stores Religious Art

Call to Action

Fortunate Families

New Ways Ministry

Equally Blessed Coalition

Voice of the Faithful


Roman Catholic Womenpriests

Women Can and Should be Priests

Future Church

.........Women in Church Leadership

.........Catholic Women Preach

.........Catholic Women Deacons

.........Feminism and Faith in Union

.........Listening to Women

.........Reclaim Magdalene

.........Catholic Too

.........Celebrating Women Witness

.........Gender Policy: A roadmap for women's equality in the Church



Other Dignity Chapters
Below is a list of other Dignity chapters in this part of the country.  A complete listing of dignity chapters can be found on DignityUSA's website (the first on the list) along with a wealth of information on national happenings, membership info, etc.


.........Dignity/USA Breath of the Spirit

.........Dignity/USA Dateline

.........Dignity/USA YouTube Videos

.........Highlights of Dignity/USA's History

.........Women of Dignity

.........Join Dignity/USA

Dignity/New York


Dignity/Metropolitan NJ  (In Memoriam)

Dignity/Jersey Shore  (In Memoriam)

Dignity/Jersey City  (In Memoriam)

Dignity/South Jersey  (In Memoriam)

Dignity/North West Jersey  (In Memoriam)

Dignity/Lehigh Valley  (In Memoriam)

One must
never run away
from love
there is no other



Dignity/New Brunswick
P.O. Box 10781
New Brunswick,  NJ    08906